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CNN, one of the leading news organizations in the world, has recently announced its partnership with NEWS18.com, a popular digital news platform. The collaboration aims to provide a wider range of news content to readers and viewers across the globe.

As part of this partnership, CNN will share its news articles, videos, and other multimedia content with NEWS18.com. This will enable the digital news platform to enhance its coverage and offer a more diverse and comprehensive news experience to its audience.

Both CNN and NEWS18.com are known for their credibility and journalistic integrity. With this collaboration, they aim to bring accurate and reliable news to the forefront and combat the spread of misinformation.

The partnership comes at a time when the demand for trustworthy news sources is at an all-time high. With the rise of social media and the proliferation of fake news, readers and viewers are increasingly seeking reliable sources of information.

In summary, CNN’s partnership with NEWS18.com will allow the digital news platform to expand its coverage and provide a more diverse range of news content to its audience. This collaboration aims to promote accurate and reliable news and meet the growing demand for trustworthy sources of information.

★CNN has announced a partnership with NEWS18.com to provide a wider range of news content.
★CNN will share its articles, videos, and multimedia content with NEWS18.com.
★The collaboration aims to combat the spread of misinformation and provide reliable news to readers and viewers.
★The partnership comes at a time when the demand for trustworthy news sources is high.

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