
The car engine running on ammonia is being launched, pollutant gas in the air will be reduced by 90%!

The increasing levels of pollution caused by black smoke emitted from petrol and diesel vehicles have raised concerns about the environment. In an effort to combat pollution, many automobile companies are launching electric cars, which not only reduce pollution but also lower noise levels. According to automotive experts, electric vehicles are expected to dominate the market in the future, surpassing vehicles with internal combustion engines. However, recent news has highlighted the successful testing of a car powered by ammonia, which could potentially overshadow petrol and electric cars in the market.

A Chinese car manufacturer recently designed and developed an ammonia engine, which is being hailed as an environmentally friendly solution. The company claims that this engine is suitable for use in other vehicles as well. Automotive experts believe that this engine could eliminate the dominance of electric cars in the market.

The benefits of using an ammonia engine have also been highlighted by the company. The engine utilizes a significant amount of ammonia, which can reduce the emission of carbon dioxide, a major contributor to air pollution, by up to 90%. Additionally, the combustion of ammonia in the engine does not produce carbon emissions. The hydrogen atoms in the ammonia break down into hydrogen and oxygen, which are then sent to a fuel cell. This helps conserve energy in ammonia-powered vehicles and reduces pollution.

However, every technology has its advantages and disadvantages. For instance, vehicles powered by ammonia can also have drawbacks. Ammonia is harmful to the atmosphere, so excessive emissions can cause harm to the environment. It can also lead to acid rain and respiratory problems for individuals. Therefore, the use of ammonia technology should be gradually increased, taking into consideration the need for ammonia pump stations.

In conclusion, the successful testing of a car powered by ammonia has raised questions about the future of petrol and electric cars. While ammonia engines offer environmental benefits, they also come with their own set of challenges. As the technology continues to evolve, it is important to carefully consider its advantages and disadvantages before widespread adoption.

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